Friday, January 2, 2015

Arthur: January 2nd

Here is how Arthur is doing. The miracle grow is really helping him and his little off shoots along. I had to rotate him because he was starting to lean a little bit too much. You can kind of see Beatrix's new digs in the background of the top picture. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Arthur Gets a New Home

I got Arthur a new home and replanted him yesterday. We shall see how well the cactus soil works. Also when I was getting ready to re-pot I noticed that some of Arthur's white strips are turning a light brown. Hopefully it is nothing to worry about.

Next will be Beatrix for re-potting. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Update on Arthur

Here is how Arthur is doing.

I am hoping that Beatrix will rub off a little growth on Arthur. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wirt gets a new home and has babies?


Just Andrew checking in to show off Wirt's new digs.
Wirt had a few babies I gotta take care of now too.

Look at that precious lil' family. Wirt's practically beaming.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Beginning! or the first week of the challenge

Three plants, three people who have bad track records with plants!

This is the page where we (Andrew, Jenn, and Anna) will chronicle each week how our plants are doing. We decided to do an experiment on the 15th of November while on the North Muskegon Circle Tour to see who could keep their plant alive the longest.

What are the specifics of the challenge you ask? Well, we all have a succulent called "fairies washboard" or "zebra plant". We chose these because they are succulents and harder to kill, also because they look cool. We will try and keep a water and feeding records as best as we can. 

So lets meet the plants!

First up we have Wirt cared for by Andrew:

Next we have Gerald cared for by Jenn:

Last we have Arthur cared for by Anna: